It is funny how hard choosing a career can be. I know I want to do something but I just don't know what it is that I want to do. It is also funny how it is much easier to decide what one does not want to do as opposed to deciding what one wants to do. I am going on my fifth month as an English teacher and I know one thing...I do not want to teach English for the rest of my life. Now, along with the definite "no's" comes many "maybe's." I can't decide if I would like to teach or not. The only thing I know is that I do not want to teach English as a second language.
My schedule is very conducive to thinking and so I do a lot of it. When I figured out that I do not want to teach English, I began the very pain staking task of deciding what I want to do. Should I teach math? If so, where? Do I want to go into Engineering? If so, what kind? Maybe I want to be a contractor. Is that a waste of my time at Erskine? These are just a few of the questions that seem to continuously race through my head.
Along with the question of career, I start to think of life in general. What is God's purpose for my life? Should I seek out an active role in ministry? Is God calling me to do this or that? Or are these just my desires? I guess this is not a unique problem. I have been told that almost all young graduates go through this. Now I have the question "does being abroad make these questions harder?"